Montag, 22. November 2010

Review in media about the Jib da House

Downdays wrote: Top moments:
- The great ambience among the riders, who were with each other and not against each other
- Seeing Tobias Vinatzer back on skis again after his bad injury he suffered at the Ambühl Invitational two years ago. He was definitely the crowd pleaser and so won the downdays entertainment award for the JIB DA HOUSE 2010
- Flo Wieser demonstrating with his roof drop, that even though he was the oldest participant he is nowhere near the end of his jib career
- The waffles at the Oakley booth
-The free drinks
- And finally the amazing treatment by the Leitner family with the accomodation, thanks a lot!
- What the double cork 10 is at the big air events, the 270 on seems to be the signature trick at rail comps
- A bar is not only there for ordering drinks (Flo, that was disgusting…)
- Street lamps in Kaprun can easily be switched off by „lightly“ contacting them
- It‘s pretty stupid to hit the downrails drunken at 2 o‘clock in the morning. (what a strange tourist!!!)
- If you order a Wodka Bull at a Monster Energy party it‘s no problem at all
So that‘s it for this year, looking forward to next year!

More articles:
Freeski Blog
Linda Leitner Photography

Dienstag, 16. November 2010

Hot weekend!

Kommendes Wochenende teilen sich exclusiv das gesamte Team von RED BULL CZ für ein Mitarbeiterevent und die internationalen Freeski/Freestyle Stars anlässlich des "Jib da House" Railbattle unser Hotel- let's go! Perfektes timing, oder? Und natürlich mittendrin- unsere Tochter Linda Leitner als anerkannte Freeski Fotgrafin ;-)

Mittwoch, 10. November 2010

And the winner is.....

Ein tolles Wochenende bei uns verbracht haben, die Gewinner eines Weekends unseres Partners Hardy's Freizeit : Herr Lutzenberger und Herr Kindt.
Es war uns eine große Freude!

Dienstag, 2. November 2010

White Start-Winteropening

Action, Spass und jede Menge Stimmung am Gletscher und bei der Ö3 Disco am Salzburger Platz in Kaprun.

Action, fun and a lot of mood on the glacier and at the Ö3 disco in the centre of Kaprun.
More Infos ...